Multiple Game Support

Dota 2

LHM's Dota 2 integration collects all relevant information and fully disposes of each data by displaying advanced comparisons, additional statistics and insights on the Dota 2 spectator overlay. The wonderful visuals of the built-in observer HUDs only complete the whole outcome. Support for this leading MOBA game, despite its sophistication, is extremely easy to use.

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Main Features

Ultra HUD

Advanced and fitting into the UI of the game overlay having a huge amount of additional data, comparisons, and statistics with multiple color schemes to choose from - a perfect Dota 2 spectator HUD

LHM Replays

Automate the process of creating replays - including automatically capturing the best moments from the game

Ultra HUD

Advanced and fitting into the UI of the game overlay having a huge amount of additional data, comparisons, and statistics with multiple color schemes to choose from - a perfect Dota 2 spectator HUD

LHM Replays

Automate the process of creating replays - including automatically capturing the best moments from the game

Lane Performance Comparison

A board comparing two lanes (with the ability to select up to two players per team), their gold, kills, deaths, last hits

Gold Comparison

A breakdown of two players and their performance regarding acquired gold

Bounty Rune Overview

A window displaying bounty rune acquire details - how many bounty runes the teams have collected in the last few minutes and how much bonus gold have they got during the entire match

Rest of Features

Roshan Details
A window displaying Roshan’s status - its health or when it is going to respawn
Gold Pie Chart
Information about the sources of gold received by a particular player in the form of a pie chart
Neutral Items Overview
A board displaying the progress of both teams in acquiring neutral items and comparing the time at which both teams completed given tiers
MVP of The Game
A screen displaying details about the most valuable player in the game, their photo, name, and statistics
Courier Tracking - Delivery
A bar showing the distance between the courier and the hero, letting viewers track progress of item deliveries
Courier Tracking - Kill
A popup displayed when someone kills an enemy courier, along with items that were carried by the courier at the moment of its death and their value
Networth Indicator
An easy way to compare networth value and its difference
Lane Movement
A heatmap comparing movement of two players on the minimap, showing how they’re moving and whether they’re roaming
Town Scroll indicator
A small pop-up showing up under hero avatars, displaying whether they’re teleporting and how much time will it take them
Custom image bars
Custom image bars for sponsor or tournament logos